NH approves energy efficiency plan

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Setting up a significant expansion of New Hampshire's energy efficiency programming, utility regulators have approved the implementation of a $176 million three-year energy efficiency plan for 2018 through 2020 for the state’s gas and electric utilities.

In 2016, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission established an Energy Efficiency Resource Standard or EERS, a framework within which the Commission’s energy efficiency programs would be implemented effective January 1, 2018. A group of gas and electric utilities filed a proposed a three-year plan in September 2017, modified in December by a settlement supported by all parties to the case before the Commission.

On January 2, 2018, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission issued its Order No. 26,095, approving that settlement. The order approves a three-year plan which "significantly expands the energy efficiency (“EE”) programs implemented for the past several years, known as the Core Programs, to meet the EERS goals established in the 2016 EERS Order."

The plan presents residential and commercial & industrial (including municipal) energy efficiency programs for 2018, 2019, and 2020. Its total three-year electric program budget is $146,115,000, and its total three- year gas program budget is $30,089,000, in each case allocated across customer sectors. These funds would come from charges on electricity and gas customers, plus proceeds from Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and regional Forward Capacity Market auctions. It also calls for annual plan updates, which are subject to review and approval by the Commission. 

The Commission found that as modified by the settlement agreement, the three-year plan was consistent with the public interest and with state laws governing energy efficiency and resource planning.

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